You have your Starter Kit and you’re loving the oil life, but what do you buy next?! We were all in the same boat at some point, and would love to share some of our found favorites (bonus: we will try to keep the majority under $25.00!)!!
- Citrus Fresh ($15.25) AMAZING for a clean smelling house! I love to add it to our sink when cleaning, or just our diffuser when we don't have time to clean ;) ! :)
- Lemongrass ($11.25) Perfect for a post-work out massage, and for relaxing!
- Orange ($10.75) I love pairing orange with Ylang Ylang (more on that below) and adding it to my Thieves toothpaste for pearly whites!
- Tea Tree ($26.00) Your skin will thank you over and over again!
- Cedarwood ($11.25) For healthy hair & lots of zzzz’s
- Thieves Cleaner ($22.00) This cleaner is life changing. RUN don’t walk, to grab it! We have replaced every cleaner in our home with this one bottle! It lasts forever because it's concentrated. And it smells like Christmas. Winning all around!
- Peace & Calming II ($20.75) This is a staple in our home. I use it all the time on wedding days, and for nice restful sleep! It's currently OOS, but as soon as it comes back, snatch it UP!!
- Valor II ($22.75) Also a staple. Use it in the mornings to kick the day’s butt. Or just at any time that you need a little boost of confidence to get going!
- Deep Relief Roll-On ($26.75) This is the greatest roll-on in existence. If you ever have aches and pains from daily life, you’re going to want to get yourself some Deep Relief.
- Grapefruit ($16.75) It’s this sweet, invigorating aroma that I LOVE for its ability to encourage feelings of joy, satisfaction, and playfulness.
- En-R-Gee ($24.75) For those times you need some energy ;)
- Gentle Baby ($21.25) Whether you’re a momma or not, this little bottle is AMAZING for feeling calm & for your skin!! (This is another that is currently OOS so you just need to stalk YL until it comes back!)
- Breathe Again Roll-On ($25.75) For those times that you need a little help breathing ;)
- Joy ($41.75) I LOVE joy!!! It’s exactly for what you think it would be for. It’s one of my favorites to diffuse (all the heart eyes!)
- Ylang Ylang ($40.75) The “love potion” get it. You’ll thank me later ;)
- Progessence Plus #4640 $37.50 Ladies, this one is for you!!! It does wonders for your hormone balance!!! (*If you’re on birth control, this one isn’t for you, as it contains naturally occurring progesterone!)
- Lady Scalerol ($54.75) Ladies, this one is ALSO for you. It's blend created especially for women to enhance the feminine nature and provide a relaxing experience when diffused. Basically, you won't want it to leave your side and your emotions and cycle will thank you.
- Vitality oils! (Any of them are AMAZING but here are a few fun ones!) Grapefruit ($7.50) TASTES SOOOOO good in your water! Plus it can also support weight-management programs when taken internally and paired with a healthy diet and exercise.
- Lime ($5.75) This baby is an important ingredient in one of YL’s most popular blends, Stress Away™. Whether you’re stirring it into drinks for a bright burst of flavor or giving your food a little extra citrus zip, Lime Vitality essential oil is a welcome kick of summer that you can enjoy year-round.
- Orange ($6.00) has a clean, refreshing scent and flavor and contains the naturally occurring constituent limonene. (google what Limonene can do for you!!!)
Last week I posted about not throwing in that towel, and I promised some tangible ways to think about this oily thing as a business. So here we are!!!! I'm just going to go about this in list form. I think that is easiest ;)
A little disclaimer-- this post is tailored to those who have already started "dipping their toe" in this business thing.
1. You need to set clear expectations with yourself, your spouse, and your family. About everything.
Expectations like:
- The fact that it costs money to start up a business. If you want to give this your all, you should be doing 100PV a month. Set that expectation, and if money is tight, do whatever you can to place that 100PV. Be committed to the financial investment because the return is like no other y’all.
- The fact that it takes TIME to start turning a profit. In EVERY SINGLE BUSINESS!!! This oils business is no different than starting a photography business, a quilting business, a coffee shop... literally no different than any other start up in the fact that it will take some time and patience before you see a profit. That’s okay. Again, once you understand the possibilities with this, you will walk through a wall to get it. I practically PAID people to shoot their weddings my first year in business. But I had to because I needed people to trust me, and I knew it was all part of starting up my own business. Why did I have a skewed view about that aspect of this business? I’m not sure. But the fact that I get to be my own boss, that I get to set my hours, that I get to work from wherever? WORTH IT!
- The fact that you have to DEVOTE CONSISTENT TIME to this thing. If you can only do 20 minutes a day, then do 20 minutes a day. But set that expectation and BE CONSISTENT!!!! I said this already, but you show up to work your corporate job every single day, don’t let this be any different!
- If you’re doing this as a team from the get-go with your spouse, then set expectations of what that looks like. Is your spouse just going to help behind the scenes? Are they too sharing about oils? What does this look like?
That is why setting expectations from the very beginning is important. You’re laying it all out. You’re saying, “this is how much I am investing in my company before I start to question if it is worth it” and “this is how much time and effort I’m investing in my company before I throw in the towel.”
2. Okay so you’ve set expectations, now this is the fun part. Tell fear that it has NO FREAKING PLACE IN YOUR BUSINESS. For real. Get that ish out of here. Fear is the WORST.
3. Good, see ya never, fear. Okay now that you’ve done one and two, start dreaming. Write those dreams down, and speak them over your life. And then make a plan. A real, concrete plan. That would look like this:
"I want to hit Executive two months from now." (Awesome! You go girl!)
"That means that I need to get a second business person. Let’s look at my VO.
Do I have any level ones who have been re-ordering? YES, I do!!!
I’m going to message the amazing Sarah because she’s been loving her oils and she’s actually already on ER. I’m just going to tell her about the fact that I want to do this business with her, and it’s not even as scary as it sounds. She’s already loving oils and she’s on ER. Now she just has to start spreading the love. I will tell her that if she agrees I will make her my second leg which means we will be a team; I will help her any way I can to get her business started. She just has to say yes. WOAH.
Cool. So that takes care of the second leg. But now I need to grow by 2000 OGV. SO I’m also going to think of a fun incentive for my team. Amazon has some super pretty roller-bottles and oil pouches. I could find a motivating incentive for my team for less than 30 dollars and that might get some more of my 0PV people reordering.
Okay, Executive in two months, here I come."
BOOM! You just took action on that dream of yours. That’s what I’m talking about.
4. While you’re doing all of the above, grab a leadership book and get to reading. Oh and take a personality test. You need to know your personality so you know how you lead best. We’re not all the same. So what works for me, might not work for you, and that’s okay!
5. Oh and while you’re doing all of that, you should be SHARING THE HECK out of those oils. Think outside the box. How are you ACTUALLY using these oils? Don’t just share about the starter kit all the time. Be real. Be vulnerable.
6. As you’re selling those kits, GET YOUR PEOPLE PLUGGED IN. GUYS. Don’t just sell those kits and think “oh they’ll figure it out”. They trust YOU! They want to hear it from YOU! Not your upline. YOU! Be personable and take care of your people!!!
7. Which leads me to, know right from the beginning this business IS NOT all about the kit sales. Learn it. Trust it. Pour into your people. Get them hooked for life just like you are.
8. Quit comparing your journey to other peoples. I could expand on this but I'm not going to. Just quit it. It does NO GOOD! And comparison has NO place in our business. It can go hang out with fear over there. ✌️
I could probably go on and on and on, but this is MORE than enough to get your mindset changed. Don’t throw in the towel friends. As much as fear is telling you to. Don’t.
If you're on my team, or a Happy Oiler, you've already heard this story! But I KNOW I have friends out there that this might resonate with, so I wanted to publicly share it.
**Cue racing heart and adrenaline pumping**
I'm not really sure why talking about the business side of Young Living makes me so nervous, but here I go telling y'all my story, anyway ;)
I bought my YLEO starter kit in September of 2014. I literally had NO idea what these "essential oil" things were before July of the year I bought my kit. I watched my friend Madison post about them, and then decided, "eh, why not?!"
I began sharing about my oils as soon as I got my starter kit because I share a TON on social media anyway, and I was absolutely IN LOVE. A believer for LIFE, if you will!!!!
And then I was watching my new friends start this thing as a business (and then KILLING it, I might add!) And so, in November of 2014 I said, “I’m going to dip my toe in this business thing”.
I hopped on my favorite program EVER, Essential Rewards, and then continued randomly posting about oils and even hosted an in-person 101 class, but that was it. I sold a few kits here and there, but nothing like I was hoping for when I said, "I'm going to try out this business". I never made a pay check above $100.00 from November through April.
Then in May of 2015 I gave myself an ultimatum. One more month of this and if the pattern of barely getting $100.00 pay checks and not moving up to the ranks I wanted continued I was going to quit.
BUT I also decided that that month I gave myself was going to be different than the past 8 months. I was going to shift my mindset, and I was going to treat this thing like a business. Which meant no more “kind ofs, maybes, or sort ofs” in my vocabulary.
That meant not letting fear dictate how much I shared about my love for oils. That meant no more selling a kit here and there and then just letting them try to figure it out on their own. That meant CONSISTENCY.
Because you see what I had failed to realize was that with a corporate job, or really any other small business (hellooooo I literally was running a photography business!), you have to put in work every single day to see return.
But for some reason I had it in my head that this business didn’t work that way. Looking back I think this happened for several different reasons. Maybe because I didn't understand consistency, I thought that I could just share here and there and forget about this for weeks at a time, yet things would be handed to me. And maybe (okay this one totally isn’t a maybe) because I let fear of what others thought of me run this business. I created excuses for myself, and was putting in LITTLE work and expecting A LOT of return.
That shift in mindset, attitude, and business model changed my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. Our team doubled in 48 hours after I gave myself that ultimatum. I hit the rank of Executive in August of that year, Silver in October, and then Gold in February of 2016.
Guys, if you're NOT in this Young Living thing, I'm just going to leave this average income disclosure right here for you to check out.
Crazy huh? What if I would have quit? 😳 I am SO thankful that God had other plans for me. That He knew I was thinking about throwing in the towel, so He put the idea of running this like an actual business in my head. He's so crazy and His blessings blow me away.
SO for those of you who have never started a small business, and are maybe asking, “what does she mean when she says ‘treat this like a business?’” and I promise I will expand more on that in a new blog post VERY soon.
But I'm here to encourage you if you're thinking of throwing in the towel.
Don’t throw in the towel friends. As much as fear is telling you to. Don’t.
Fear has NO place in our businesses. In our relationships. In our lives.
In fact, there's this guy I know, named Jesus, who loves us DEARLY. Like so much that He died for us. Us who weren't even walking this Earth yet. You. He died for YOU. Because He is love; perfect love. And the Bible tells us that perfect love drives out all fear.
See? No place.
Oh, and engrain this in your head:
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." - Earl Nightingale
Because it’s true.
Love you, Oilers.
The BEST way to get started with Young Living essential oils is to purchase one of the BEAUTIFUL Premium Starter kits they offer. (I mean seriously, how gorgeous can a kit of oils be!?!)
BUT when I tell people about this kit & they see everything that comes in it, the question I get is:
"Why on earth would I need 11 oils, AND a diffuser? Not to mention all the samples & literature."
Friends, I felt the same way. But let me tell you, I've had my kit for 16 months, and I use ALL of the oils that come in the kit weekly, if not daily.
DiGize to keep my tummy happy
Peppermint to support normal breathing
Lemon in my water because it pulls out nasty toxins
Purification in our trash can because it was smelly
Lavender on my skin because it's winter
Panaway and copaiba on my sore muscles from being at my computer so much lately.
RC and Thieves in the diffuser because nasty wintery symptoms are popping up in our house.
Frankincense on my face to keep my skin glowy.
And stress away, because well... The name says it all. 😉
No joke, every single oil in the kit AND my diffuser has been used by me today SO MUCH. Like we may or may not own 4 diffusers ;) and keep them all over the house :)
I know many are watching me and your curiosity is piqued. Heck, you may have started watching my posts 16 months ago when the very first day that I got my kit, I whipped out peppermint to keep my head happy. Want to know why I'm still singing their praises 16 months later? Because they are that amazing. When have you ever known someone from your friends list to 'do something' and stick with it for that long...ahem, it's not too often.
I've seen a profound change in our lives in more ways than I could list right now. You have something you need to support and keep well, we've got an oil for that, probably quite a few actually!
This is by far, the best thing I've ever invested in and I'd love to share them with you.
I know these oils will change your life as much as they did ours! So, what do you say? Want to treat yourself with a Gift of Wellness and kick start 2016 off right?
If you're ready to get started, head over here, and follow all the directions!!! Once I see you've gotten all signed up I will send you an email with all the details you need to know to get ready for your oily journey!
Cheers to wellness, friends.
Starter Kit Oils
One of my 2016 resolutions is to up my water intake. 72 oz a day to be exact. If you're anything like me, you know how hard this is. It's so easy to forget to drink water, and honestly there are SO many other drinks that are way more fun to drink.
BUT if you're like me, you also know that simply increasing your water intake will help detoxify your body and motivate you to be more conscientious of what else you’re ingesting.
So join me in drinking more water this year. To make it more fun, try adding tasty essential oils to your water. Lemon, Lime, Jade Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Peppermint and Tangerine are all favorites of mine, but don’t forget SliqueEssence. SliqueEssence combines: Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, and Ocotea. It's currently OOS but as soon as it comes back, I HIGHLY recommend snatching it up!! :)
BUT if you're like me, you also know that simply increasing your water intake will help detoxify your body and motivate you to be more conscientious of what else you’re ingesting.
So join me in drinking more water this year. To make it more fun, try adding tasty essential oils to your water. Lemon, Lime, Jade Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Peppermint and Tangerine are all favorites of mine, but don’t forget SliqueEssence. SliqueEssence combines: Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, and Ocotea. It's currently OOS but as soon as it comes back, I HIGHLY recommend snatching it up!! :)
On Saturday, Tyler and I spent our car ride back to Ames talking about 2016 and what we want it to look like. There are a lot of things in the air for me and what I want my year to look like but here's what I know. Speaking goals out loud does something incredible.
If you know me, you know I dream big, and you know I like to shout those big dreams from the rooftops. Do these dreams sometimes not happen in the timeframe I speak? Absolutely, but do they happen shortly after? ABSOLUTELY. Speak those dreams out loud folks. Name it, claim it, shout it from the rooftops. Because we are all here cheering you on.
So, in 2016 I will:
If you know me, you know I dream big, and you know I like to shout those big dreams from the rooftops. Do these dreams sometimes not happen in the timeframe I speak? Absolutely, but do they happen shortly after? ABSOLUTELY. Speak those dreams out loud folks. Name it, claim it, shout it from the rooftops. Because we are all here cheering you on.
So, in 2016 I will:
▫️drink more water. (At least 72 oz a day)
▫️say no to eating out and yes to eating in
▫️be intentional with my time at home. (Which means being okay with ignoring messages and notifications until the next business day)
▫️be intentional with my time at home. (Which means being okay with ignoring messages and notifications until the next business day)
▫️do yoga with Tyler AT LEAST 2x a week
▫️start going to bed at the same time as Tyler and waking up before 9 daily
▫️give more
▫️blog once a week
▫️travel a BUNCH
▫️get all of my friends to fall in love with oils
▫️host fun classes & a retreat for my oily team
▫️meet as many people as possible on my oily team in person
▫️start going to bed at the same time as Tyler and waking up before 9 daily
▫️give more
▫️blog once a week
▫️travel a BUNCH
▫️get all of my friends to fall in love with oils
▫️host fun classes & a retreat for my oily team
▫️meet as many people as possible on my oily team in person
▫️continue kicking toxins out of our home
▫️set time aside once a month to do the boring business things (like fill in my tax spreadsheet) ▫️drink more Ningxia Red
▫️continue growing and leading #teamessentiallyoils
▫️continue growing and leading #teamessentiallyoils
▫️advance TWO ranks with Young Living!!!
So there ya have it. 16 BIG and small goals for 2016. What does the year have in store for you?
Oh goodness friends!! I shared that I was making this INCREDIBLY DELISH coffee creamer the other day on Instagram & had a bunch of people ask for the recipe so here it is!!!
SUPER easy DIY Peppermint Mocha Creamer
What you need:
1- 14oz can of sweet & condensed milk
1 Pint of half & half
2 Tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder
3 Drops of Young Living Peppermint essential oil.
It takes a lot of stirring to get the cocoa powder all mixed in, and then some shaking when you get your creamer added to a container. But it is SO worth it because it tastes heavenly!!!

First up:
Thieves Throat Spray!!
Perfect for the ickyness that winter so often brings, and oh-so-easy to make!!
Here's what you need:
- One 1oz amber glass spray bottle. (You can get packs of 10-12 for a great price on Amazon)
-15 drops of Thieves Essential Oil
-Distilled Water
Add Thieves to the spray bottle & fill to top with water. Shake each time before use because oil sits on top of water ;) and spray!!!
Next up:
Peace & Calming Bath Salts!
You will need:
-Glass jar/container (these super cute ones are from Target for $1.00!!)
- 1/2 c epsom salt (this is an estimation! You just need enough to fill the jar!)
- 5-6 drops of Peace & Calming Oil
Fill jar/container half way with epsom salt. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Fill the rest of the jar up with epsom salt. Add 2-3 more drops of essential oil.
- 1/2 c epsom salt (this is an estimation! You just need enough to fill the jar!)
- 5-6 drops of Peace & Calming Oil
Fill jar/container half way with epsom salt. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Fill the rest of the jar up with epsom salt. Add 2-3 more drops of essential oil.
And last but not least (and one of my favorites!!!):
Sleepy Time Roller!
What you will need:
-1 glass roller bottle (My new obsession are roller bottles from The Root & Petal)
-Carrier Oil (My go to is normally grape seed oil or sweet almond oil. You can purchase carrier oils through Amazon. I'm a little obsessed with Amazon. Can you tell?!)
-Peace & Calming, Valor, Cedarwood and Lavender Essential Oils
-Cute Washi tape (Optional of course ;) )
Fill your roller bottle 2/3 with carrier oil and then add in 5-7 drops of each of the oils. (You can top off with more carrier oil if needed) Put the roller ball on your bottle, and add your lid. Shake well. Decorate with your favorite Washi tape.
So there you have it. Three of my favorite (and SUPER DUPER easy) DIYs with Essential Oils
If you'd like to sign up to purchase oils or to learn more click here.
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