First up:
Thieves Throat Spray!!
Perfect for the ickyness that winter so often brings, and oh-so-easy to make!!
Here's what you need:
- One 1oz amber glass spray bottle. (You can get packs of 10-12 for a great price on Amazon)
-15 drops of Thieves Essential Oil
-Distilled Water
Add Thieves to the spray bottle & fill to top with water. Shake each time before use because oil sits on top of water ;) and spray!!!
Next up:
Peace & Calming Bath Salts!
You will need:
-Glass jar/container (these super cute ones are from Target for $1.00!!)
- 1/2 c epsom salt (this is an estimation! You just need enough to fill the jar!)
- 5-6 drops of Peace & Calming Oil
Fill jar/container half way with epsom salt. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Fill the rest of the jar up with epsom salt. Add 2-3 more drops of essential oil.
- 1/2 c epsom salt (this is an estimation! You just need enough to fill the jar!)
- 5-6 drops of Peace & Calming Oil
Fill jar/container half way with epsom salt. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Fill the rest of the jar up with epsom salt. Add 2-3 more drops of essential oil.
And last but not least (and one of my favorites!!!):
Sleepy Time Roller!
What you will need:
-1 glass roller bottle (My new obsession are roller bottles from The Root & Petal)
-Carrier Oil (My go to is normally grape seed oil or sweet almond oil. You can purchase carrier oils through Amazon. I'm a little obsessed with Amazon. Can you tell?!)
-Peace & Calming, Valor, Cedarwood and Lavender Essential Oils
-Cute Washi tape (Optional of course ;) )
Fill your roller bottle 2/3 with carrier oil and then add in 5-7 drops of each of the oils. (You can top off with more carrier oil if needed) Put the roller ball on your bottle, and add your lid. Shake well. Decorate with your favorite Washi tape.
So there you have it. Three of my favorite (and SUPER DUPER easy) DIYs with Essential Oils
If you'd like to sign up to purchase oils or to learn more click here.
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